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brain fog, dizzy, fatigue after ETS!

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 6:31 am
by sweatstar
Hi guys! Sorry for my english but I want to share with us my story and maybe someone has a similar problem?

My name is Monika, 25 years old and I had ETS 2 years ago. It was cutting the nerve on the level T2,T3,T4. In short: everything is good except one thing.

- my hands don't sweat!!!
-my armpits don't sweat!!! :D I'm very happy about it.
-my hair doesn't fall out.

-compensatory sweating on the back, stomach and tights. But this is reasonably and it doesn't destroy my life ;) It's uncomfortable and visible when is 30-35 degrees outside.
-AND MY THE BIGGEST PROBLEM! I'm still tired and sleepy. I did blood tests- for sugar and insulin level, thyroid and everything is good. I also think very slowly and I'm not so smart than before surgery. Coffee and energy don't help.

Does anyone has similar symptom and how are you dealing with it?