Who should never undergo ETS Surgery?

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Who should never undergo ETS Surgery?

Post by abhi89abhi »

Based on my horrendous experiece with ETS Surgery and reading various posts of people citing thier horrific brush with this surgery. I am just listing some of the people or cases where i think ETS could turn trepedious or catastrophic.

1) Musicians- If you like you play your instrument in silence like a piano or guitar and your hands are sweaty. It may not be great decision to get ETS. Because CS wont let you sit at the instrument after. The anxiety sweat combined with disbalanced heat sweat on the body will make it impossible to sit at the instrument even with your clothes removed.
2) Specific Body condions which renders ETS disastrous - Please make sure and do a through research you dont have a pre dispostion in which ETS is suicidal option (I have read certain lung condition led to permanent disablity after ETS)

People who ought to beware

1) People whose job depends on working in hot conditions- Counter Jobs/ Delivery Guys/ Gym Trainers/ Athelets/ Coaches/ Drivers or people who need to run here and there frequently as part of their jobs. Please be aware that CS might pose a restrain in your life.
2) People living in hot and humid conditions- I know weather in India is humid for 3 months. If you live in India, or any place which has general hot or humid weather. Please be aware this may exacerbate your CS.

I made a video about it and posted on youtube two years back and this is what i have learnt from various comments in the comment section and people reaching out to me.

Link to the video is here.

My life came crashing down as i played piano and now i cannot after the ETS Surgery. You can see the diastrous CS i face in the videos.


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Re: Who should never undergo ETS Surgery?

Post by A.Dinkel »

Hi there,

I'm sorry to read that.

Just in case somebody is considering ETS: Please check Dr. Tarfussers page on critical aspects:

There's some evidence that the risk of strong CS is minimal if the surgery is done very carefully and precise.


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Re: Who should never undergo ETS Surgery?

Post by abhi89abhi »

Thankyou for your post but after 2 years of careful deliberation and reading various comments and experiences of the people who contacted me for their surgery. I have come to the firm conclusion that in no circumstance ETS is a good option. The heat released to the head in various circumstances at various times during the day is absolutely essential for the brain to work properly. The heat serves as the signal for possible threat, it warms the brain and replenishes it from the exhaustion.

The more I see the posts about brain fog the more I think it's real. Also, new study suggests the blood flow is linked to the heat flow. They are trying to curb blood flow to Regulate heat flow now as a treatment for CS. This is alarming. If the flow of essential fluids is hampered to the head. Then in no way ETS is good. Stay away from ETS. No ETS.

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Re: Who should never undergo ETS Surgery?

Post by abhi89abhi »

To refute this proposition that a clean and precise cut on the right ganglion may help reduce the effects of CS in long term.

Here is an image from a medical paper. All the patients have undergone reversal. There is absolutely no parity.
T3 patients have problems. T2 Patients report problems. T3-T4 patients report problems.

If T3 was the answer. These patients wouldn't have sought reversal surgeries.

See image attachment
IMG-20230430-WA0000.jpg (94.44 KiB) Viewed 6345 times

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